Smart Classes
Interactive whiteboards are used in GDGPS Anantnag, Smart Classes as reinforcement for traditional whiteboards or flipcharts. They provide ways to show students anything which can be presented on a computer’s desktop (educational software, websites and others). In addition, interactive whiteboards allow teachers to record their instruction and post the material for review by students at later time This is a very effective instructional strategy for students who benefit from repletion, who need to see the material presented again, for students who are absent from school, for struggling learners, and for review for examinations.

Wi- Fi Networked Campus
The core areas of campus are networked through secure Wi-Fi. This further connects all classes through internet to the world and opens doors to the global resources and learning.
The school connects online with the parents and students beyond its boundaries through ERP software thus breaking all geographical barriers and establishing a 24×7 communication Broadway.